ESUT Monitor

Department of Mass Communication

Alumni Campus Faculty/Department News

I will continue to identify with ESUT Monitor Newspaper – Commissioner for Water Resources

By Timothy Nwobodo and Joseph Joy

More commendations have continued to pour in following the relaunch of the ESUT Monitor Newspaper with the Honourable Commissioner for Water Resources, Enugu State, Dr. Felix Nnamani promising that he would continue to identify with the paper.

Hon. Nnamani who described the paper as a “quality production” said the “sky will be your stepping stone” in his appraisal of the paper when the editorial team paid him a visit in his office, recently. He charged the department to sustain the paper.

 “You guys are in the pipeline, with the kind of quality production you’ve done in the campus. If you have the backup and resources that is required, the sky will be your stepping stone.

All I can say is for you to keep it up, I’m impressed with this (holding the newspaper). I’ll continue to identify with this. Mass Communication is one of the pioneer departments in ESUT. The University was structured after Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US. It was going to be totally University of Technology. Mass Communication was one of the social sciences that got a space afterwards. That’s why you have quality journalists both in the print and broadcast media. Congratulations to you and to the Mass Communication Department of our University,” he said.

He commended the great works put into the department by various individuals who had previously management the department.

“Your current HoD is doing a great work reviving the paper. I will also not forget great men in your department like Professors Chris Ngwu, Ifeanyi Didiugwu, Ike Ndolo, Sunny Udeze and so many others that are very active and sound.”

Since the return of the paper in the newsstands nearly two months ago, it has continued to receive encomiums from both the Enugu State Government, ESUT Management, Professors as well as individuals who have expressed delight for the revival. 

The ESUT Registrar, Mr Ambrose Ugwu described the newspaper as “the watchdog of the university”

The Newspaper which served the university community previously but went out of circulation in 2015 was relaunched on November 16, 2023 following the appointment of Dr Chidiebere Ezinwa as the new Head of Mass Communication Department, ESUT in September.


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